Deborah Armstrong

Friday Feel-Good Blog

Deborah's Diary

Happy Easter!

It’s the Easter weekend. Some of us may have plans to celebrate with family, while others may not. No matter what you do, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Once again, our extended family of 20 plus members will not be gathering. Instead, it will be the eight of us. The two eldest grandchildren are excited to have the Easter Bunny visit. Although chocolates aren’t a favourite treat of theirs, they do enjoy the thrill of the Easter egg hunt. Last year, once they found all the goodies, the grandchildren wanted to do it again, so we hid the eggs, and they went on the search once more. We joined in on the hunt, enjoying pointing out eggs overlooked by little eyes.

Easter Bunny

Thinking of the Easter Bunny, I remember a conversation I had with my eldest daughter when she was at the age when children questioned the existence of Santa Claus and others. She said to me, “Mom, I know you’re Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but there’s no way you’re the Easter Bunny.” I still marvel at how she believed the Easter Bunny to be real and not the others. She held on to that belief for a few years.

My Easter memories also take me back to when my girls were little, and Grandma Fan (that’s what they called her) gave them matching dresses and a stuffed bunny each. She loved to see them in dresses and a bow in their hair. If she were here today, she would marvel at the beautiful women they have become. I could keep writing about Easter memories. It’s hard to believe that time has passed by so quickly.

Once again, I wish you a Happy Easter. Enjoy your time no matter what you do. And if you have the chance to make beautiful memories with friends and family, please do it.
Happy reading!

Deborah Armstrong

Deborah Armstrong

Deborah Armstrong is an expert in writing engaging and scintillating romance. In the Davina and Quinn Love series, Deborah Armstrong writes hot and spicy contemporary romance with a touch of country, inviting her readers to experience Hollywood, New York City, and her very own dairy farm in Canada. In the Game Changer series, Deborah uses the foothills of Alberta as her setting for her sensual romances. Deborah Armstrong’s books are for you if you love passion, drama, and suspense in your romance stories.

@ all rights reserved, Deborah Armstrong, 2022



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