It’s that time of year when many writers participate in NaNoWriMo. Only once have I earned the Winner Badge by writing 50,000 words. The following tips work for me:
Tell Your Friends
Don’t keep NaNoWriMo a secret. Announce to your friends and family that November is your month to write and that you don’t want to be disturbed. Tell them that you will only be available if you have made your word count for the day or week. Threaten them if they bother you. Kill them off in your work in progress or reward them with a cameo appearance.
Claim your Writing Space
Find the spot where you know the muse will find you. Whether it’s in your office, at the kitchen table, or in the front hall closet, find a place that is yours for the month. I leave my office and set up camp in my family room. I work at a games table where I have a view of the outside world. Music plays in the background, and my cat sleeps at my feet. This place is my writing Nirvana for November.
Be Prepared
Don’t give yourself excuses for walking away from your work. Keep your essential supplies close at hand. Telephone (on silent), tissues, candies, coffee or your beverage of choice, note paper or Post-Its, pens and markers. Gather whatever you need to keep you in your seat to write 2,000 words. I make sure my coffee mug is full, and my candy dish is fully stocked.
Try Something New
If your usual routine for writing isn’t providing results, change things up. Change your location. Your muse may have relocated. Post your goals or wordcount on Social Media. Support from your followers may give you the boost you need to keep writing. Wear your favourite T-shirt. If it’s not working, try wearing it inside out and backwards. You may look you’re crazy, but then again, you’re a writer. Enough said.
Enjoy Yourself
Look forward to writing every day. You have a story to tell. What could be more fun and exciting than that?