Deborah Armstrong

Friday Feel-Good Blog

Deborah's Diary

It’s time for my Friday Feel-Good Blog, and I have to admit that I don’t feel good today. Over the past few weeks, our family has been hit, smashed, and run over by the Omicron virus. Most everyone has recovered, leaving me behind with a foggy brain, hacking cough, and lack of energy. As a result, I haven’t been up to much lately other than watching a bit of television.

Today’s feel-good comes from chocolate. If you love chocolate and creativity, I suggest you look at The School of Chocolate on Netflix. The show’s host is Amaury Guichon, a 30-year-old French chocolate artist. I heard about this show from my author friends. You will be amazed at his creations.  You can also check him out on Instagram.

My excellent assistant and I are making plans for a book series giveaway. Also, I have two in-person events coming up in a few weeks. Fingers crossed that I will feel good to attend them, and if you’re in the area, you can, too. We’ll keep you posted.

Take care of yourself. Enjoy your weekend.

Happy reading,

Deborah Armstrong


Deborah Armstrong

Deborah Armstrong is an expert in writing engaging and scintillating romance. In the Davina and Quinn Love series, Deborah Armstrong writes hot and spicy contemporary romance with a touch of country, inviting her readers to experience Hollywood, New York City, and her very own dairy farm in Canada. In the Game Changer series, Deborah uses the foothills of Alberta as her setting for her sensual romances. Deborah Armstrong’s books are for you if you love passion, drama, and suspense in your romance stories.

@ all rights reserved, Deborah Armstrong, 2022

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