Deborah Armstrong

October is Book Giveaway Month!

Deborah's Diary

October is book giveaway month! Canada Post is offering free parcel delivery every Tuesday during the month of October. I love a deal, so I thought I’d take advantage of this. Every Tuesday (we have four in October) I will give away one of my books to a lucky reader. The only stipulation is that the winner must live in Canada – Canada Post’s rule for free postage, not mine.

I’m not using my mailing list. This giveaway is for anyone who sends me an email or leaves a comment on my social media posts. I’ve posted on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. All you have to do for the giveaway is tell me which of my books you want and your name will be added to the list. Your one entry is good for the entire month! How sweet is that?

Good luck and happy reading!

Deborah Armstrong


Deborah Armstrong is an expert in writing engaging and scintillating romance.  For example, in the Davina and Quinn Love series, Deborah Armstrong writes hot and spicy contemporary romance with a touch of country, inviting her readers to experience Hollywood, New York City, and her very own dairy farm in Canada. However, in the Game Changer series, Deborah uses the foothills of Alberta as her setting for her sensual romances. Deborah Armstrong’s books are for you if you love passion, drama, and suspense in your romance stories.

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