What’s on your bucket lists?
Bucket lists. They can be for anything – travel, adventures, things to do on a weekend, chores (really?), movies to see, books to read, or concerts to attend. The list is endless and as varied as the person who makes the list. Yesterday, I was asked what was on my bucket list. The only thing I could think of on the spot was to visit the Nordic countries with my hubby. We will be checking the trip off our list this summer.

The Simple Things in Life Bucket Lists
Some of us may have simple needs and a bucket list that is easy and economical to achieve. I, too, have a bucket list that deals with my home – clean out closets, redecorate a bedroom into a playroom, work on my gardens. For myself, the list is a work in progress – workouts at the gym, take walks around the farm, watch my diet, stay healthy. I also have a bucket list for April Taking the Happiness Challenge
Bucket List Adventures
Some people are more adventurous with their bucket lists – sky diving, swimming with sharks, zip lining, parasailing, climbing Mount Everest, going on safari. Going on safari would be nice, although, for me, it’s not something I have to do. There are many websites that deal with bucket lists where the authors write about their adventures and the adventures they want to have. I came across this one recently that is worth visiting Bucket List Journey.
Top 10 Places to Visit on Bucket Lists
Apparently, these are the top 10 places to visit:
1. Taj Mahal, India
2. Macchu Pichu, Peru
3. The Great Wall of China, China
4. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
5. Cairo, Egypt
6. Mount Fuji, Japan
7. Venice, Italy
8. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
9. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
10. Grand Canyon, USA
You might think my list is narrow in its scope because seeing the Grand Canyon is the only one of the ten that I have on my list. How about you? What places to visit do you have on your bucket list? Does your bucket list deal with the simple things?
I almost forgot to mention the movie The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend that you do. It’s highly entertaining and thought-provoking.