I came across this happiness challenge today – every month write down 30 things that make you happy and every day do one of those things from the list. As a result, I’ve made up my list for April. Although I’m already eight days into the month, I remember something unique for each day.
What Made Me Happy
- April Fool’s Day – not fooled.
- Networking with my friends in Women Supporting Women – hearing their success stories makes me happy.
- Getting my hair done – colour and cut always puts a smile on my face.
- A workout at the gym. No matter how crappy I feel, a good session always makes me feel better.
- I wished my friend Happy Birthday.
- I tidied my desk. A messy desk brings me down. I like to have it start tidy every month.
- Attending a bridal shower and had a great time visiting with friends and family.
- I had a doctor’s appointment. My doctor has a dry sense of humour. He makes me laugh at every visit. I’m fine, by the way.
My to-do list for happiness challenge.
Things to Make Me Happy This Month
- Hugs from Montgomery.
- We are attending a family wedding.
- Helping my Mom move and getting her settled in her new apartment.
- Easter.
- Family gathering over Easter weekend.
- Celebrating Caitlin’s birthday and our birthday breakfast.
- Rachel’s birthday.
- Breakfast with Sheila.
- Beth’s birthday.
- Toronto Romance Writer’s meeting
- Writers’ Ink meeting.
- Watching Game of Thrones season opener.
- Working on edits for Game Changer.
- Attending the WSW’s Spring into Health & Beauty Vendor Show on April 24th.
- Reading a new book or two. Five Things That Make Me Happy
- Getting a manicure and pedicure.
- Buying new shoes. Shopping for shoes is a pain. However, buying them is not.
- Playing with Montgomery.
- Working out at the gym. Three times a week. Working on my endurance for playing with Montgomery.
- Going to church.
- Getting my taxes done.
- Watching tv with hubby.

Finding Joy
By month’s end, I expect to be filled with joy. I think of myself as a happy person. However, if I purposefully aim for happiness every day, I expect that by the next month I won’t have to plan to find happiness, I know that I will. I will know the little things that bring me happiness, – seeing my children, and hugs from my grandson, as well as the big things in life – birthdays, anniversaries, and family gatherings.
What about you? Do you want to join me in the happiness challenge?