Deborah Armstrong

Writer’s Block – It’s not me, it’s them.

Deborah's Diary

I’m suffering from writer’s block and it’s not my fault. I blame my publisher for not being as quick and efficient as it showed itself to be with Forever Love. In a matter of weeks, I had my copy edit completed, my book galley designed and a hard copy of Forever Love in my hands awaiting my approval for its release.

This time it’s not happening. I am being blocked at every turn. My manuscript was lost in an email void over Christmas. Then my manuscript was copy edited by someone unfamiliar with the use of prepositions in the English language. I made the copy editing corrections while away on holidays then sent it back to have it re-read. It’s been weeks and I have yet to have anything returned to me. My release date keeps getting delayed. I’m chomping at the bit to have a hard copy of Love’s Promises in my hands.

I have grown impatient and a bit testy. A rep from the company called and wanted me to sign on to promote Forever Love. “I want my second book printed first!” I yelled at him over the telephone. “I want to publicize both books not just the first one.” He told me that it wasn’t his job to be connected with the second book.
I told him that it should be because I was a very frustrated client and I wasn’t getting the service I expected.

I called my rep today only to get blocked by the operator. She asked me questions that shouldn’t have been asked. She delayed me by complaining about the computer not being up and running. “All I want is his extension number!” I said angrily over the phone.

She gave it to me, surprised that I would ask for something so simple. and then she said that my rep was out to lunch. They all are in more ways than one.

I’m waiting for that return phone call and I’m still very much feeling blocked.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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