Deborah Armstrong

My thoughts are heavy today.

Deborah's Diary
As we grow older we’re bound to lose touch with loved ones. Friends move away. Family members may become distant and separate themselves from us. We have the telephone, Canada Post, and the internet to keep us connected. There’s always the holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter to bring us back together, if only for a short while.

But what happens when a friend or family member dies? What do we do then? How do we tell them that we’re thinking of them, that we miss them. Prayer may help, but I’m not much into prayer. We can make a toast to them when we gather, to remind ourselves of our loss, that someone special is missing. We can talk about them with friends when they are heavy in our thoughts. We can play one of their favorite movies or songs so we don’t feel quite so alone.We can cry or laugh when something reminds us of them.

Sometimes, we forget them. Just for a brief moment our world is perfect again. There is no sense of loss, no ache in the pit of the stomach. But then the memory returns and so does the grief. I don’t think the grief ever goes away, but its pain dulls. It’s bearable. Just.

Dad, Gwen, Robert, Bryan and Carol – You are heavy in my thoughts today. I miss you.

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